Objective To study the anatomy and physiology of peritoneal cavity and the CT diagnosis and interventional treatment in peritoneal abscess. 目的探讨腹膜腔的解剖、生理和腹膜脓肿的CT诊断及介入治疗。
Abdominal CT scan revealed a ruptured abdominal aortic aneurysm with a peritoneal and retroperitoneal hematoma with abscess formation. 腹部电脑断层扫描显示腹主动脉瘤破裂同时腹腔及徒腹腔有血肿及脓疡形成。
Pathogenic Analysis of Pelvic and Peritoneal Abscess and Its Clinical Management 盆腔、腹腔脓肿的病原学分析与临床处理
Among them 2 were pelvic abscess, 2 were fecal fistula, 2 were incisional hernia, 2 were fistula of abdominalwall, 1 extra peritoneal abscess. 术后并发症9例,盆腔脓肿,阑尾残端粪瘘,腹壁切口疝及结核性腹壁窦道各2例,肌间脓肿1例。
Two cases with peritoneal thicken showed ascites on CT images and right adnexal tuboovarian abscess in 2 patients were associated with appendicitis. 显示腹膜增厚伴腹水及右侧输卵管卵巢脓肿伴阑尾炎各2例。
The complications of reoperation were happened in 3 cases. Among them, fecal fistula was found in 2 cases and peritoneal residual abscess associated with incisional infection in 1 case. 再次手术的术后并发症3例,其中粪瘘2例,腹腔残余脓肿并切口感染1例。